News & Events

2025 Events



Fourth Thursday ART WALK

Angel Arms Works Studio

5pm – 8pm

230 Ave B, Snohomish WA



Winter Faire

Helios Ballroom

February 8th

10am – 5pm

213 Avenue D, Snohomish WA


Tulip Festival Street Fair

April 19 – 20 

Mount Vernon, WA








I’m thrilled to be featured again in CanvasRebel, an inspiring online magazine that dives deep into personal journeys. This time, I share one of the challenges I’ve faced and how I found my way through it. I hope my story inspires you to reflect on your own path and the strength we all have to overcome the tough times.
“…But, now, thirty plus years later, I can see the gift of that horrible diagnosis. When the worst has already happened, courage follows. I’m most grateful I found my joy in writing and not ballroom dancing.”

 Magical Journey of Worlds and Words with Lya Badgley



Lya is proud to announce two finalist awards for The Worth of a Ruby!

Lya was honored to be chosen as a 2023 finalist for the PNWA’s Nancy Pearl Book Award for her novel, The Foreigner’s Confession


Event Photos


Book Club fun

Angel Arms Studio